Friday, 23 August 2013

7 Weeks to Wedded

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I have to come clean and admit it. I do have an ulterior motive for being on the Bulletproof Diet.

I'm getting married in 7 weeks time. And I don't want to be tubby in my wedding photos!

 Earlier this year I had my second white collar boxing fight. I fought Ben Sheehan and got myself into pretty decent shape for it. (Well, I say "fought". More like "got the sh*t beaten out of me by". Still loved it though. My account of that fight is available HERE)

To get in to that shape I had to absolutely kill myself every day. Every single day. I was in the gym almost every day. I was running before work. My diet consisted mostly of chicken and broccoli. I hated it. But I got in shape. Not in as good a shape I would have liked, but I was fit.

My weight tends to balloon when I'm not dedicated to my training. I have a mild (well, massive, really) addiction to fast food and stout. And to chocolate. And crisps, sweets, beers, cheese (on everything), more chocolate.... And more fast food. And stout.

And after my fight I indulged. Big time. Instead of cooking healthily myself, it was far easier to go for a bag of chips. I'd come home after work, throw a pizza in the oven and follow that down with some chocolate and lemonade. The fitness level and physique I'd worked so hard to obtain for my fight with Ben disappeared in about a week. But I didn't care. I was eating sh*t and it was all good.

After my fight I'd hidden away my scales in the house. "Won't be needing these any more!", I thought to myself. It was in the middle of  June that I took them out, and checked. I got a fright. My weight had drifted north of 80kgs - I'd put on almost a stone and a half in two months. F**k.

I got a further fright when I went for a suit fitting for my wedding, down in Simply Suits (, top class guys who couldn't do enough for me or my groomsmen). I couldn't fit into the 30" trousers that Andrew had given me to try on, so I had to leave the button open while I tried on my suit. Yet another wake up call.

I didn't want to look back on my wedding photos and see what people affectionately refer to as "Tubby Hagan" looking back at me. I wanted to be in shape. I wanted to be fighting fit for it. In fact, I wanted to be in better shape than I was for my fight. So I would have to get to work.

It was around this time that the concept of the Bulletproof Diet was introduced to me. It was my coach Nick Laney who got me into it. He explained the concept, how it all works, how it was working wonders for him, giving him tonnes of energy and so on. I was skeptical, as I think most people are when they hear that someone is putting butter into their coffee. Most people make that face like someone around them has farted and they've only just gotten the smell.

But give it a go I did, initially with cheap coffee and coconut oil (I outlined some of the differences here). Then thanks to Upgraded Ireland and I moved on to Upgraded Coffee and now, Upgraded Brain Octane Oil (that shit's just insane).

Upgraded Brain Octane Oil, available only from and

So in the last two months I've dropped 10kgs (from 81/2ish to my current weight of 72). My stomach has all but disappeared. I'm putting on muscle, and people have told me how much healthier I'm looking these days. And people who haven't seen me in a while say "where's the rest of you?" - that's always nice to hear.

So this day in 7 weeks I'll be married. And thanks to a Bulletproof, and when I look back on my wedding photos "Tubby Hagan" won't be looking back on me.

It'll be Bulletproof Hagan.

**Notes -

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